[Coach Case Study] From 300 to 600K in 3 months

[Coach Case study] From 300 to 600K in 3 months

Most start out in the coaching industry… …all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Full of excitement & hope that the life of their dreams is just around the corner. Only to be slapped upside the head with a sobering dose of reality that there’s going to be a few challenges along the way. I’ve definitely had my fair […]

How to Become a Keynote Speaker

I was on the phone to a potential client for my first paid speaking engagement. I had never spoken for a ‘fee’ before and he asked me how much I was. With a knot in my stomach and hesitation in my voice I said….”$4,000″. Then I was silent. To my surprise he came back with […]

3 Ways to Instantly Be a Better Coach

3 Ways to Instantly Be a Better Coach

There are 2 secrets to seeing transformation in your clients’ lives. Firstly, your expertise and advice. This is the thing that directs them based on your previous experience. I think many of us are naturally good at this. However, it’s the second skill that makes the biggest difference. The second skill is your ‘coaching skills’. […]

5 Lessons That Doubled My 2023 Revenue

5 Lessons That Doubled My 2023 Revenue

What would you do if you had to double your revenue in the next 90 days? Maybe you’d implement some tested and proven methods like… Trying to get your program in front of more people. Or maybe you’d put together a workshop or a live launch of some sort. All of which are great, and […]

3 Big Benefits of Not Charging Money

3 Big Benefits of Not Charging Money

What if I told you that one of the most beneficial things you can do when starting your coaching business is to… NOT charge money! Yes, you read that correctly. Not charging money early on is what set me up for so much success down the road. Looking back at the beginning of my coaching […]

4 Questions You Must Ask to Sell Your Course

4 Questions You Must Ask to Sell Your Course

Have you ever seen an ad, sales page, or email that made you think… “Oh my gosh, it’s like they’re inside my head!!!” It’s almost creepy how specific and accurate it is sometimes, right?! They have shared your exact problem in a way that instantly made you stop and think. Well, I’m here to tell […]

How To Live Congruent With Your Values w/ Dr. John Demartini

There’s one main thing that stops coaches (and people in general) from reaching their goals. It has nothing to do with their education, or their business challenges, or their financial situation… Can you guess what it is? It’s the fact that they aren’t living congruently with their highest values. If I look back at my […]

Why you need to simplify your offers

Looking way back… When I started my expert business… I remember feeling quite overwhelmed with everything I had to do to get my business to where I wanted it to go. Because after all.. To be a leader in any industry everything has to be difficult and complex, right? 🙂 Wrong! Well kind of. There […]

How to Overcome Discouragement

Oftentimes in life… The most challenging & discouraging situations we go through, tend to be the most transformational.  I’m sure if you look back at your life you have numerous moments… … Where what seemed “world-ending” at the time turned out to be blessings in disguise.  However, when we are going through these times and […]

The 3 Secrets To Feel Confident Speaking In Public

When I first started speaking in public, I got so overwhelmed, physically, emotionally, mentally. I remember speaking in front of a small audience, and my hand started shaking so much that I had to grab my other hand to hold the microphone still. Then my knee started shaking and going crazy. Public speaking was the […]