How to Run Successful Launches

If you’ve ever run your own launch, then you know…

There is A LOT that goes into it.

You’ve got the presentation, the course, the email sequences, the tech, and the list goes on and on.

Simply put, live launching is a challenge!

But a challenge you should accept because nothing supercharges your business like a launch done right.

And to do it right, my best advice is to…

Follow the strategies of those that have come before you. .

And it’s what I discussed with my guest and fellow launch expert – Jasmine Star on this week’s episode of the Expert Edge.

Since we just finished up a big launch and our most successful to date…

I want to leave you with 3 invaluable launch tips that will serve you well.

1. The more planned, the bigger the launch

It may seem like launches are off the cuff sometimes but just know that that first email you received or that first ad you saw in your feed was planned out months in advance.

When we do a launch we plan the dates 6 months to a year in advance and then the other aspects get put into place a few months out from open registration.

2. Build-in reaction time

Launches are not static; there are a lot of moving pieces involved. So sometimes a little reaction is necessary but for the most part my team and I make sure almost every aspect of the launch is done and queued up before registration even begins.

Our emails, sales pages, offers, ads, etc… are all in place so that we don’t have fires popping up during the launch and if they do, they are manageable.

3. The reflection is where revenue is found

Do a deep dive into the data and stats after your launch. What worked well? What didn’t? Once you have evaluated everything, put the next launch in the calendar! Because success is in the repetition.

For more launch tips and gems…

Make sure you catch this episode!

>>> LISTEN ALL PODCAST PLATFORMS: Episode 203 | Your Best Launch Yet w/Jasmine Star

>>> iTunes ONLY: Episode 203 | Your Best Launch Yet w/ Jasmine Star


Colin ‘Launch Like a Pro’ Boyd

P.S. Jasmine is running a BRAND NEW masterclass called “Double Your Revenue in Under 60 Days With a Proven Launch Plan”. It’s going to reveal the 4 steps to a successful launch. Check it out here



I’m Colin! I’m an Aussie, but I’m based in Newport Beach, California.
I help entrepreneurs sell from virtual and live stages (without being pushy and sales-y)
I coach thousands of experts, course creators and coaches around the world on this topic, and I’ve also advised the biggest names including people Amy Porterfield, Alison Prince, Carrie Green, Julie Solomon  and many other industry leaders.