3 Ways to Profit From Your Brand

Building a brand as a coach can be confusing.

I think a lot of the time people are either focused on either making money by Thursday or building their strategic brand.

What I do know is that long-term sustainable success is built on a trusted brand.

The cool thing is that in the coaching space that brand is YOU.

Your brand is the reputation you have.

It’s what people say about you, before you enter the room.

It’s whether people refer your programs before asking for a referral.

All of these are indicators of the health of your brand.

Although building a brand can take a long time, it doesn’t mean you can’t profit while you build it.

That’s why I had branding expert, Julie Solomon, on this week’s episode of the Expert Edge!

So that we could talk about all things branding and dive into alternative ways you can use your brand to make money!

Here’s a glimpse of 3 that we touched on…

1. Affiliates

You can connect with other brands in your space and work out an affiliate agreement where you get a percentage of profits from any sales you make. This could be for any type of product (physical, digital, informational) that is relevant to your audience and your brand. You don’t need to wait for a large audience to do this, you can start right away.

I just had a conversation with someone who makes about $40,000 a month from referring people to products on Amazon. That’s on top of their coaching and course sales.

2. Partnerships

This is where you and another brand agree beforehand on terms of a paid partnership that will have you working together creatively to create content that will ultimately drive sales for the brand. You don’t need a large audience to do this, you can get started with as low as 350 people!

3. UGC (User Generated Content)

This is where you provide content (in the form of posts, reels, tik toks, etc…) to a brand that they can then use as an ad or assets of their own. An example of this would be a video of a product you love and talking about its benefits and how it’s helped you. Again, the barrier to entry is low on this as well.

I’ll be honest, this whole world of user generated content and brand deals is quite new to me, it was a really interesting conversation with Julie about all the various ways that you can make money through the brand value you already have.

Those are just the tip of the iceberg.

Julie has a masterclass, perfect for people with smaller audiences, that want to grow their following and land $10k brand deals in just 30 days. Check it out here!

Catch the podcast below as Julie drops some branding bombshells inside.

You don’t want to miss this!

>>> LISTEN ALL PODCAST PLATFORMS: Episode 210 | Making Money With Your Brand w/Julie Solomon

>>> iTunes ONLY: Episode 210 | Making Money With Your Brand w/Julie Solomon


Colin ‘Build Your Brand’ Boyd

P.S. If you haven’t yet checked out my Conversion Story Formula™ it’s been getting crazy results for people. We have had over 6,000 people join it in the last few months! So many of them are already designing their signature story in under 48 hours and are sharing it with their audience! Don’t miss out any longer!

Create your Conversion Story 

P.P.S. If you’re ready to create a high-converting webinar in the next 30 days, here is a short training called “5 Secrets To Selling on Webinar” to show you how.

Watch the webinar training now



I’m Colin! I’m an Aussie, but I’m based in Newport Beach, California.
I help entrepreneurs sell from virtual and live stages (without being pushy and sales-y)
I coach thousands of experts, course creators and coaches around the world on this topic, and I’ve also advised the biggest names including people Amy Porterfield, Alison Prince, Carrie Green, Julie Solomon  and many other industry leaders.