The conversion strategy all coaches NEED

The conversion strategy all coaches NEED

Not all marketing strategies are created equal… There are so many ways you can promote your coaching or course business. This could be through email, social media, networking etc. However, there’s one strategy that in my life stands above the rest. Once you have it in your business, it gives you an unfair advantage. … […]

2 simple strategies to feel instantly positive

2 simple strategies to feel instantly positive

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in… Whether you’re an athlete, a speaker, a coach, etc… You’re going to have to go through the fire. (I certainly continue to have my fair share of hurdles that I have to overcome) Now I know that can sound scary, as challenges often are. But this is actually […]

This platform is a cash cow, but no one is using it.

one of the biggest social media opportunities

Are you missing one of the biggest social media opportunities right now? Most coaches I know use all or some combination of the big 3… Facebook, Instagram, Youtube But there’s a fourth that most neglect… (no it’s not tik tok) In fact, it’s the most trusted social media platform 5+ years running… …with only 4% […]

Are you making these 3 funnel mistakes?

Are you making these 3 funnel mistakes

As a course creator… Your funnel is easily one of your most important assets. Get this wrong & your chances of success plummet faster than my hopes during a maths exam. (seriously maths was not my friend at university!) Why? Because this is where you are taking your audience from point A (digitally meeting you) […]

All Coaches Need This Money Habit

Creating smart money habits is one of the most important things you can do for your future as a coach. Sure, we want to focus on profit generating strategies… But just as importantly you need to have strategies in place for that ‘profit’ once it comes in the door. It’s not the money you make […]

Why the Next 3 Years Will Be the Best of Your Life..

Not a lot of people know this but… I went to college for marketing. My thought was that I was going to be sitting in cool meetings brainstorming new slogans and marketing campaigns. My reality was data entry and spreadsheets. (wuh wuh wuh wuhhhh – sad trombone sound effect) I lasted all of 18 months […]

3 Strategies to Build Your Brand Fast

3 Strategies to Build Your Brand Fast by Colin Boyd

Let me ask you a question. Would you rather… Have a course that could potentially make you a hundred thousand dollars.. Or Have hundreds of thousands of people who know, like and trust you? Now I don’t know about you, but for me, the answer would clearly be the latter. Because once you have a […]

3 Messaging Mistakes You Must Avoid

When it comes to attracting the right clients… Your messaging is the foundation. And by messaging I’m referring to the language you use to attract your audience. If this isn’t strong… Then every other aspect of your marketing is going to be shaky at best. This includes everything from your audience match to your conversion […]

How to Host a Great In-Person Workshop

In today’s digital world, there are almost countless ways to connect with your audience. You have live streams, zoom, webinars, online groups and the list goes on… Online connection is great, but there’s one strategy when utilized well that can trump them all. …that strategy Live In-Person Workshops. In fact, we just hosted our Sell […]

How to Go Viral on Instagram

What if I told you that paid ads… …are not the only way to get your content in front of your target audience almost immediately? Usually when something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Or there’s a big catch. But in this case I assure you there isn’t. Those who effectively use […]