This Opens the Door to Influential People

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase before… “It takes a village” Which of course refers to raising a child. However, if you ask me, this same phrase can be applied to growing a successful business. Because for me, a massive reason I’ve been able to grow to the level I’m at.. Is because of the […]

3 Ways to Profit From Your Brand

Building a brand as a coach can be confusing. I think a lot of the time people are either focused on either making money by Thursday or building their strategic brand. What I do know is that long-term sustainable success is built on a trusted brand. The cool thing is that in the coaching space […]

How to Write Copy That Converts

Have you ever found yourself hanging onto every word of an email or sales page? Fully captivated. Rushing to click the ‘buy button’ as you pull out your credit card. This my friend is the power of good copywriting. While it may seem like the words on that page are random… Nothing could be further […]

The 2 Secret Elements of Charisma

There are many skills that you need to develop as a coach… But there’s ONE skill that if developed properly… Will have your audience instantly attracted to you. As a coach, you need to make yourself worth following. Most think their knowledge is enough… that people will want to follow you because you’re an expert. […]

3 Tips To Camera Confidence

As a coach… If you’re not consistently getting in front of the camera… You’re going to get left behind. It’s one of the easiest pieces of content to create and leverage. And when it’s done right, it creates an instant level of authority with your audience. It’s not a secret anymore about how powerful video […]

3 Branding Mistakes Coaches Make

When most coaches think of their personal brand they mistake it for their branding. They think their brand is their colors, fonts, website, etc… But those elements are your branding. They aren’t your actual brand. It’s really important to understand the difference here because building a strong personal brand in today’s market is essential for […]

Would You Choose the Ferrari or Rolls?

My friend Jason was presenting in front of our mastermind group and he said this one line that made my ears prick up… He casually says…”I want to live in one of those ‘what do they do?’ houses. You know the ones, where you drive by and just think what on earth do they do???” […]

3 Marketing Trends You Need To Be Aware Of

If you’ve followed me for any period of time, Then you know that I constantly preach about… The importance of getting on stage (virtual or live) to not only sell your stuff… But to establish your credibility & expand your brand. We all know what a live stage is but when I refer to virtual […]

How to Run Successful Launches

If you’ve ever run your own launch, then you know… There is A LOT that goes into it. You’ve got the presentation, the course, the email sequences, the tech, and the list goes on and on. Simply put, live launching is a challenge! But a challenge you should accept because nothing supercharges your business like […]

Are you making this messaging mistake?

One of the hardest things to overcome in your marketing… Is unclear or overcomplicated messaging. Unfortunately, I see a lot of coaches making this mistake. They tend to have either a lack of congruency in their messaging… Or… Their messaging is borderline a math equation in its complexity. When in reality it’s very simple. So […]