The Secret ‘Physical’ Weapon That Can Increase Your Course Sales

The Secret ‘Physical’ Weapon That Can Increase Your Course Sales

Today I want to talk about something a little different. That being… Enhancing the customer experience and conversion rate with a physical offering. (we do this in our ELITE coaching program) Research shows that brand perception and engagement increases significantly when “swag” or something physical is received by the customer. The sooner you can send […]

How to Thrive in a Down Market

How to Thrive in a Down Market

When you’re in a down market, it’s easy to freak out. Just the thought of it used to give me the stress sweats! But over the years, I’ve learned quite a few lessons that have allowed us to grow our business this year, even though the market has been very uncertain… In fact, last year […]

3 Ways to Increase Stage Presence (Even if You’re Shy)

3 Ways to Increase Stage Presence (Even if You’re Shy)

Have you noticed someone completely command the stage as soon as they stepped on it? Where you could feel it energetically… I remember the first time I experienced this. It was at a Tony Robbins event, and I’ll never forget how he shifted the energy in the room just by his stage presence. It was […]

Here’s What’s Working Now With Facebook Ads

Here’s What’s Working Now With Facebook Ads

“Facebook Ads don’t work” Have you heard this lately? Fortunately, my ads account DID NOT get the memo. In fact, I’m always looking at ways for us to spend MORE on Facebook & Instagram. This is because my team and I understand what works. We know that for every dollar we put in we’re going […]

Discover the Hidden Metric of Success That Top Performers Use

Discover the Hidden Metric of Success That Top Performers Use

If you ask 100 people what their definition of success is… You’ll likely get 100 different answers. But when you look at industry generalizations like the coaching industry… You’ll see a lot of talk around monetary success of making a million dollars…or a gazillion! Actually the new ‘million’ seems to be 10 million these days. […]

This Will Determine How Successful You Are

This Will Determine How Successful You Are

For the first time in the history of my emails, lets kick off with a riddle… The more of me you gain, the more you’ll create, Expanding your reach, and growing your name. I open the doors to fortune and fate. What am I? In the coaching & expert industry this is one of the […]

Here’s How to Grow Your Instagram Followers

Here’s How to Grow Your Instagram Followers

It’s no secret that social platforms are evolving… At what seems to be a mind blowing pace. One week the algorithm is rewarding one type of content… The next week it’s something completely different. Instagram definitely falls into this bucket. But there are some fundamentals that will always help you keep pace in these fast […]

How to Finish the Year Strong

How to Finish the Year Strong

It’s often said… It’s not how you start, but how you finish. That saying is fitting as we stroll into Q4. Now I don’t know what kind of year you have had so far… Maybe you had a great year. Or maybe you had a little bit of a down year (revenue wise). Whatever the […]

Trouble With Showing Up? Try This

Trouble With Showing Up? Try This

Have you ever heard the quotes… “Eighty percent of success is showing up” Or… “Half the battle is showing up” I would like to just add one word to the end of each to make them 100% accurate. That word is “consistently”. When you consistently show up, your chances of success amplify tenfold. It’s why […]

3 Must Know Pillars to Create Business Expansion

3 Must Know Pillars to Create Business Expansion

It’s been said that… One of the greatest catalysts for personal growth is the start of a business. Now sometimes this growth can feel very uncomfortable. Like really, really, uncomfortable. But I learned that the only way for my business expansion… Is when I expand with it. Anytime my business stagnates there’s almost a 99.97% […]