The first 3 seconds of your presentation is crucial for ensuring people listen to what you have to say.
After presenting for over ten years and running presentation workshops in companies all over the world, I’ve noticed that most people start their presentation on the wrong foot. More specifically, I should say they start it on the wrong breath.
How you breathe at the start of your presentation is crucial to how well you project your energy to the crowd.
One of the most important skills of a presenter is not only how they speak and communicate, but also how they breathe. When most people start their presentation, they start with their breath not being full enough, which prevents them from projecting their voice and their energy.
The best way to start your presentation is to follow these steps:
1. Before you say your first word, take a deep breath (do it now).
2. Breathe from your stomach, not your chest (when you breathe in, your shoulders should not rise; they should stay flat. This means you’re breathing from your diaphragm or tummy, not your chest).
3. Speak your first word. For example: “Good morning and welcome.” But speak it out of a full breath, and project your voice.
Use these 3 steps to nail the first 3 seconds of your presentation and project the type of energy and confidence that you want to present.
Discover to Deliver a Highly Persuasive Presentation and Move People into Action
Join Colin for a free masterclass on persuasive presentation (without coming across pushy or sales-y).
On this workshop you’re going to discover:
- Proven strategies that the top 1% of influencers use to become leaders in their marketplace.
- You’ll learn how they craft and deliver presentations to achieve massive impact.