Why you need to simplify your offers

Looking way back…

When I started my expert business…

I remember feeling quite overwhelmed with everything I had to do to get my business to where I wanted it to go.

Because after all..

To be a leader in any industry everything has to be difficult and complex, right? 🙂


Well kind of.

There are definitely some areas that are more complex than others… take marketing for example.

But one of the most important things I learned over the years…

And this is the case with most of the top names that I work with and coach…

Is that, we simplify wherever we can.

Take this week’s guest on the Expert Edge, Lise Kuecker, who runs a multi 7 figure business with 1 main offering! 

No crazy product catalog with dozens of funnels and dozens of products.

I realized this too.

Now I have more than 1 offer but there is a simplicity and congruence to them.

So today, I want to open up the hood to my business a bit and show you the simple 3 core offerings that I run that lead to an easy 7 figures per year.

Every offer is focused on helping you become more effective at communicating your message and selling more of your offers (without being pushy and sales-y).

Offer 1: The Conversion Story Formula (click here to check it out)

This is a $47 offer that we run to mostly cold traffic that lets them get a taste of what I have to offer. It’s an in depth training that shows you how to have your own course filling conversion story up and running in as little as 48 hours.

Offer 2: Sell from Stage Academy (click here to check out a free training designed around the Sell From Stage principles.)

This offer is our flagship curriculum. It’s a step by step formula for course creators, coaches, & experts to speak confidently on any virtual or live stage in a way that connects with their audience and converts them into clients.

Offer 3: ELITE Implementation Coaching Program

This is a monthly coaching program that helps experts go from as low as $5k/month to multiple 6 & 7 figures. This is only for those that already have a bit of an established expert business and are looking for some hand holding to really break through. If you think you’re a good fit for this feel free to reply to me here with the word “ELITE”.

So those are my main 3 offerings.

Easy peasy!

I highly encourage you to look at every area of your business and see where you can simplify.

Take a listen to this week’s episode and hear how Lise Kuecker has built her 8 figure business with just 1 main offer!

Take a quick listen now:

>>> ALL PODCAST PLATFORMS: How to differentiate yourself and drive an industry forward w/Lise Kuecker episode 

>>> iTunes ONLY: Listen to How to differentiate yourself and drive an industry forward w/Lise Kuecker episode

Colin ‘Keep It Simple’ Boyd

P.S. If you haven’t yet checked out my Conversion Story Formula™ it’s been getting crazy results for people. We have had over 2,230 people join it in the last 3 months! So many of them are already designing their signature story in under 48 hours and are sharing it with their audience! Don’t miss out any longer!

Create your Conversion Story 



I’m Colin! I’m an Aussie, but I’m based in Newport Beach, California.
I help entrepreneurs sell from virtual and live stages (without being pushy and sales-y)
I coach thousands of experts, course creators and coaches around the world on this topic, and I’ve also advised the biggest names including people Amy Porterfield, Alison Prince, Carrie Green, Julie Solomon  and many other industry leaders.