As I woke up in the sickbay I realised I’d just slept through lunch. I wasn’t sick, I just didn’t want to go back to my desk.
After finishing university, I found myself in a job that I thought would be great but ended up not being a fit for my skills and personality.
It drained me to the point that I just felt numb.
I guess it was one of those moments in life when you must decide whether you step up or sit back down. And so, with the help of my fiancé Sarah (now my wife), I gathered the strength to change roles and found myself in the training and development space.
All of a sudden I felt like I found what I was supposed to do with my life.
From this point forward, my energy and my career made good progress. It definitely had its bumps, but it was a great fit for me.
This led me further into the study of human behaviour – completing my executive coaching diploma, and opening my practice as a speaker, trainer and coach.
So right now, I find myself having the privilege of helping thousands of people all over the world to confidently speak in public, become massively productive and ultimately live more fulfilled lives.
One of my biggest passions is helping people get things done – be even more productive.
I believe that every individual is designed to live a life of meaning, purpose and impact.
Life responds to what we action, not just our intentions.
So increasing our own personal productivity is an important life skill for everyone.
I’m not naturally productive. Whether it be my personality or my upbringing, I’ve always had to work really hard to produce great results.
Through some intense research, testing and application, I’ve been able to discover some key principles that work for me and the many clients I have shared it with.
I guess I’m a normal guy with an obsessive passion to help people be the best version of themselves.
So my intention with sharing why I do what I do and my journey to getting here, is so that you know I’m dedicated to give you my best. I’m passionate about providing you thought provoking, thorough and practical ideas that you’ll be able to implement in your leadership and life.
So if you’ve been on my weekly database for over six years, or even just six days, thank you for hanging around.
This is just the beginning.
Kind regards,
Discover to Deliver a Highly Persuasive Presentation and Move People into Action
Join Colin for a free masterclass on persuasive presentation (without coming across pushy or sales-y).
On this workshop you’re going to discover:
- Proven strategies that the top 1% of influencers use to become leaders in their marketplace.
- You’ll learn how they craft and deliver presentations to achieve massive impact.