What bad stories & flying cars have in common.

The other day I was watching a movie and it portrayed a future with flying cars.

I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of movies like that.

You know…

Back to the future, Blade Runner, Total Recall, etc…

So why aren’t we flying through the friendly skies yet?

The answer is…


The modern structure of our societies are built to accommodate cars, not the Jetsons.

Similarly, bad stories typically always lack structure.

Good stories follow a structure, like what I teach in The Conversion Story Formula, that gets your audience to open up and resonate with you…

…Leading to a flood of new people joining your program.

Bad stories don’t follow any specific structure. They usually just entertain the audience and the result is a few claps but no one joins your program.

Even sharing the best content on your webinars won’t save you if you lack a good conversion story.

Below are 3 quick tips that will help you tell better stories.

1.Re-live the experience

When you’re telling a story, re-live it. Feel it like you are going through it again. Go there mentally. This will come off in your tone and your audience will feel it.

2.Transfer an Epiphany

What is the belief that when your audience believes it, they’ll say yes to your offer? Use a story from your life that shows this belief to be true.

3.Saturate their senses

The more vivid you can be to arouse the senses the more engulfing and engaging your story will be. Get them to mentally see, hear and feel different aspects of your story.

This will increase engagement and make your stories come to life.

Add these 3 concepts to your stories and watch them work wonders.

Now onto the Expert Edge Podcast this week…

Episode 130 | 2 behavioral patterns that determine success or failure

Understanding the patterns you follow in your life are the key to seeing breakthroughs. There are 2 core patterns that everyone follows. One of the patterns is good for you, others and the greater good. The other pattern, if left unchecked, becomes a negative experience for you and others.

In this episode, I break down the 2 core patterns that all people follow as well as the 4 experience levels that will help you determine which core pattern you are in. It’s important to understand what pattern you’re in so that you can adjust it.

>>> Click here to listen to the 2 behavioral patterns that determine success or failure episode on ALL platforms

>>> Click here to listen to the 2 behavioral patterns that determine success or failure episode on iTunes

Much love,

Colin “Back to the future” Boyd

P.S. If you haven’t checked out my new Conversion Story Formula you need to. It’s my new simple formula for finding, creating and sharing your signature story. It will help you create a story that both connects with your audience and converts them into your programs. The best part is that it’s the price of a few tacos. Insane.

>>>Check out the Conversion Story Formula™ here




I’m Colin! I’m an Aussie, but I’m based in Newport Beach, California.
I help entrepreneurs sell from virtual and live stages (without being pushy and sales-y)
I coach thousands of experts, course creators and coaches around the world on this topic, and I’ve also advised the biggest names including people Amy Porterfield, Alison Prince, Carrie Green, Julie Solomon  and many other industry leaders.