This is the #1 truth behind real change

Here is the knife-cutting truth.

Next year won’t be any different….

…unless you are different.

The changing of the date will make no difference to your life, in fact, most of the population will simply repeat what they did in 2023.

And the reason for that is not necessarily their desire for things to change.

It’s understanding how you create change in the first place.

My experience has been that everything starts with your mindset and beliefs.

Which is why I did an in-depth session on this week’s Expert Edge Podcast all about a “mindset reset”.

Listen to the Mindset Reset on this week’s episode of The Expert Edge.

Here’s a sneak peak of how you can create transformation (I’ve listed 2 of the 3 key points below)

1. Face the truth

Take ownership of where you are at in your business. When I was a $60k coach, I had to acknowledge that I was truthfully playing at that level. I wasn’t acting as a $60K coach, because that’s what my results were telling me!

This was hard to face, but when I did, it allowed me to take responsibility and move my business to six, seven and now multi-seven figures per year!!!

2. Clarify the beliefs you must embody to create the outcome you desire

Most people don’t spend the time to get really clear on the declarative statements and they must embody to produce the results they want.

For this idea to work best, you should ask yourself questions like

  • “What would I believe about myself if I was at the level I desired”
  • “If I was to show up as a market leader how would I be, act and feel”

Getting crystal clear on these statements is crucial to moving forward.

Those are just a few of the ideas that I touched on during this episode.

This week’s podcast is a solo episode with me where I dive deep into the transformation experience I’ve been through going from a beginner to multi 7 figure coach.

>>> LISTEN ALL PODCAST PLATFORMS: Episode 192 | The Mindset Reset

>>> iTunes ONLY: Episode 192 | The Mindset Reset


Colin ‘Transformational Results’ Boyd

P.S. If you haven’t yet checked out my Conversion Story Formula™ it’s been getting crazy results for people. We have had over 4,729 people join it in the last few months! So many of them are already designing their signature story in under 48 hours and are sharing it with their audience! Don’t miss out any longer!

Create your Conversion Story 

P.P.S. My favorite ALL-IN-ONE piece of technology in the course creation industry is Kajabi. I’ve used a lot of online course platforms, and from my experience, it’s still the easiest to use, robust and most powerful system out there. You can get a 14-day free trial to test it out here



I’m Colin! I’m an Aussie, but I’m based in Newport Beach, California.
I help entrepreneurs sell from virtual and live stages (without being pushy and sales-y)
I coach thousands of experts, course creators and coaches around the world on this topic, and I’ve also advised the biggest names including people Amy Porterfield, Alison Prince, Carrie Green, Julie Solomon  and many other industry leaders.