I believe that the currency of presenting has changed. The currency of speaking from stage has shifted. It used to be about presenting information and being professional, but it has very much shifted now to creating meaning, vulnerability and engagement.
I want to share with you my latest thoughts on how presenting has changed in the 21st Century — whether it’d be presenting from stage, or presenting to a video. And how you can use these elements to create communication pieces that really persuade and engage people.
Here are the new currencies of presenting that I believe are increasingly relevant in the 21st Century.
1. Vulnerability
I believe vulnerability is becoming incredibly important in the 21st century presentation. Delivering a presentation used to be about professionalism and information. But now, it’s actually more about vulnerability. I don’t mean spilling your guts. Vulnerability is sharing a little bit of you and your story; it’s sharing your journey. People don’t want to see the bulletproof you all the time. They want to see the real you.
One of the leading thought leaders in this area is a woman called Brené Brown. She wrote an amazing book called Daring Greatly. You should definitely read it. She talks about vulnerability as being the greatest courage that a human can grasp.
2. Personality
What it used to be about was putting someone in a certain mold or style. But more and more , it’s about being you. Obviously, it’s helpful to get some feedback on your style in regards to your audience. But it’s very much being you. It’s bringing your own quirks and nuances to the presentation.
Think about someone like Gary Vaynerchuk who started Wine Library TV. He wrote a great book called Crush It. If you’ve ever listened to him, he has a really unique personality. He doesn’t water himself down. He actually brings the concentrated version of himself, he turns up his personality. So I think one of the key currencies in the 21st Century is personality.
People come back for your personality.
3. Depth of Craft
The third currency of presenting in the 21st Century is depth of craft. It’s having a deep enough grasp of your expertise to offer a unique meaning or angle for listeners. A great example of this is like Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last. He has a real depth of craft. And because of that, he’s able to share unique angles which are helpful and meaningful for people.
So we’ve talked about the 3 currencies of presenting in the 21st Century. The first one was vulnerability, basically opening the door of who you are a bit. Sharing your story.
The second one was personality, which is leaving personal fingerprint on your presentation. Bringing your own quirks and uniqueness to the presentation.
The third is depth of craft, which is having the skill set, abilities, and expertise to be able to create a unique meaning and angle on your presentation so that people walk away and feel like they got something useful or new.
I trust that this conversation today has been valuable.
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