Do you ever fear messing up your speech?
Early on in my speaking career, I used to have nightmares about forgetting what I wanted to say on stage or even physically falling off the stage and looking like a complete idiot!
It’s funny that the fears we have about being on stage are generally NOT the worst things that can happen when we speak.
Forgetting what you were supposed to say, can actually be quite endearing if you make fun of yourself when it happens.
Tripping over while walking on stage is something that researchers have shown to be something that makes the audience like you more.
So what are the things you should not do on stage?
Here are 3 of the dumbest things you should not do.
1. Talk the whole time
Unsuccessful experts think that a speech is about you talking to the audience the whole time. When they have a 45-minute presentation they think, how can I fill 45 minutes of my time with content? This is a big dumb mistake.
Like I teach in Sell From Stage Academy, you need to view your presentation as a conversation. A conversation is two ways. There are questions, comments, and a general feeling that it’s a shared experience.
When you deliver a keynote, think of your presentation as a conversation. Of course, I understand that you’re talking most of the time. But make sure that you are asking questions, crossing to the audience, and just involving them in the experience. That will make your speech 10 times more engaging.
2. Asking dumb questions
I mentioned in the previous point that it’s a good thing to ask questions. But, one of the most annoying things is when the speaker asks a dumb question.
For me, a dumb question is defined by any question that is so blatantly obvious and designed to manipulate the audience.
For example, if you ask the audience “who he wants to make more money?” of course people at an entrepreneurial conference will want to make more money. This is a dumb question because the audience knows you’re asking this question because you want to sell something. Avoid asking un-thoughtful questions that make the audience feel like they’re being treated as two-year-olds.
3. Reading the powerpoint
Your speech should not be you reading from a PowerPoint presentation. A speech should feel like a conversation, not a reading. You read to three-year-olds, not adults.
Avoid putting too many words on your PowerPoint presentation. If you do, you will feel a pull to read your slides. This is not just boring for the audience but disrespectful. Stop wasting your audiences time by reading the slides and start having a conversation with them about your philosophy of the concept you’re teaching.
If you use the slide deck in Sell From Stage Academy, you’ll notice how simple and elegant it is. It is designed for you to have a conversation with your audience about your key concepts, not to read to them.
Kind Regards,
Colin ‘Sell with Style’ Boyd