How to Delegate Effectively – The Secret to Leveraged Productivity


One of the most important principles for being highly productive in a workplace is being able to delegate effectively.

I go into workplaces where managers say they delegate, but after talking with their employees, I really don’t think they know how to delegate properly.

So what I want to share with you right now is a process that I’ve created called the P.A.T Delegation System.

It will help you free up your time so that you’re actually in control. And it will give your employees a sense of clarity and direction in terms of what they’re required to do.

The conversation we’re having right now, I think, is really crucial because this is a system that can change how effectively you delegate, forever. It’s really simple and it’s build around an acronym called P.A.T.

Whenever you’re delegating something, I think it so important to follow this system. The reason why it’s important is because if you don’t, your employees will still be unclear in terms of what you want. They will be unsure of where to start. And it will actually leave you feeling like you can’t really trust them or put anything in their hands.

Now, don’t get me wrong. It does take a level of trust to be able to delegate effectively. But I think that if you can build some trust with your employees and you can use this system, you will actually free up your time a whole lot more. It will release you to do the top leadership activities that you actually want to do — be it strategic planning, thinking more, idea generation or implementing projects that actually makes a difference.

So let me share with you this three steps process called “P.A.T. Delegation System”.

1. The “P” stands for “Purpose.” So when you first come in to delegate an idea or a task to someone, mention the purpose of the task. This is kinda like the “why.”

So you’d say something like this:

“Hey Jack, I want to share with you something I need done. Now the purpose of this task is X. And you insert whatever the purpose is. It might be to complete this project. Or it might be to align the conversation to the goals. Or it might be to launch a new product. So the purpose of this is to do this. “

2. The second key in the system is Action.

So “A” for action is where you specifically chunk down the actions that are required. Depending on the level of autonomy that you want to give this person, you can be as specific and descriptive as you like. But you, first of all, start with the purpose and then you chunk down to the actions.

So you say,

“Well, the purpose of this task is to launch a new product. Specifically, the actions that I need you to do is X, Y, and Z.”

3. Then the “T” is “Timeframe.”

So you say,

“Could you get this back to me by Wednesday at 5 pm?” So you can say it in a question. Or you can say as a statement, which is “I need this back by 5pm.”

I prefer a question because it enables them to make a decision and say “yes, I can get that back to you.” And then making a decision, it gives them more autonomy and more ownership.

So the P.A.T. System of delegation is built around P for purpose, A for action, and T for timeframe

Share the purpose, which is the big picture. Give them the action, which is the specific  tasks. And then give them a timeframe so that they actually have some clarity in terms of when it’s required by. 

I trust this makes sense.

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“What is most difficult for you when delegating?

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Speak to you soon.


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I’m Colin! I’m an Aussie, but I’m based in Newport Beach, California.
I help entrepreneurs sell from virtual and live stages (without being pushy and sales-y)
I coach thousands of experts, course creators and coaches around the world on this topic, and I’ve also advised the biggest names including people Amy Porterfield, Alison Prince, Carrie Green, Julie Solomon  and many other industry leaders.