The world seems to be speeding up. The demands that we have on ourselves as professionals in the workplace seem to be increasing. The more I speak with people, the more I’m continually convinced that people are giving more than they’re getting. What I mean by that is, they’re working in jobs where they are outputting huge amounts of emotional, mental and physical energy, but many are not replenishing that energy.
Your energy is the capital that drives your life. I think that as a professional in a job that demands large outputs, you need to ensure you make time for inputs. It’s kinda like slowing down to speed up. You need to refresh your energy so that you can work as hard as you desire.
Many of us know we need to be disciplined at work, but few of us actually show that type of discipline structure in our personal life. The impact of this is, we live drained lives that leave us unfulfilled and tired.
Having the discipline of choosing to relax at specific times in your day or week will be the difference between giving your best or coming out second best.
Here are five ideas for disciplined relaxation:
1. Take a bath with epsom salts.
2. Have a lunch break or short break during (away from your desk).
3. Read a book you enjoy.
4. Take a walk and connect with your surroundings.
5. Meditate through breathing deeply and focusing on your breath.
In the twenty-first century, so many of us are required to output immensely. But it is essential that you create inputs in your life so you can live energised, enthused and empowered.
Discover the secrets of the Super Productive.
Join Colin for a free masterclass on productivity.
In this training, you’ll discover:
- How to create a Super Productive Mindset (the exact thinking you must have to produce incredible results)
- The secret to leveraged energy – this is like a Red Bull for your daily productivity
- 3 critical brain rules – and how you can use them to work with your brain, not against it