Deconstructing a $220,000 Webinar with Ariel Garcia

Imagine making more than $220,000 in a one-hour presentation.  That’s exactly what my Sell From Stage Academy® student did recently, (Ariel Garcia.)  In this practical episode, I deconstruct the strategies she used to connect with her audience and get a rush of clients through a unique webinar structure. In fact, she followed the exact system that I teach called “Infusion Selling™”.  This is the system that allows you to provide value but also move your audience towards your offer at the same time.

HURRY: We are currently running our bi-annual FREE training series called Sell From Webinar & Virtual Stages…which only happens twice a year!!!


In this NEW free 3-part training series you’ll discover: 

  • The easy way to design your Webinar or Virtual Talk so that people ask to enroll in your programs (this strategy is so easy anyone can do it!)
  • The secret to choosing the ‘right signature story’ so that your audience rushes to join before you even make your offer!!!
  • Why ‘selling at the end’ of your presentation is the worst way to convert new clients…and the surprising (and simple) thing you need to do instead 
  • How to go from a fear that ‘no one wants your programs’ to feeling confident in under 7 seconds using the ‘Confident Focus Technique’ – it’s crazy how fast it works
  • You’ll leave feeling clear, confident, and ready to deliver virtual, and live presentations that don’t just get claps, but lead to a flood of clients every time!

>>> Listen to this episode now on iTunes: “3 Ways to Triple Conversions on your Webinars and Virtual Presentations”

Virtual stage training here!

Check out Colin’s Virtual Studio Gear recommendation



I’m Colin! I’m an Aussie, but I’m based in Newport Beach, California.
I help entrepreneurs sell from virtual and live stages (without being pushy and sales-y)
I coach thousands of experts, course creators and coaches around the world on this topic, and I’ve also advised the biggest names including people Amy Porterfield, Alison Prince, Carrie Green, Julie Solomon  and many other industry leaders.