All experts say this is crucial

Ask any successful coach or entrepreneur about…

The importance of Personal Branding..

And you’ll have a unanimous decision that it’s absolutely crucial.

But what won’t be unanimous…

Is how to go about building your personal brand.

For my money…

You can’t go wrong with a strong combination of…

Connection, Value & Consistency.

These have always served me well.

And they have served this week’s Expert Edge Podcast’s guest “Chris Harder”. Chris is someone I’ve been wanting to interview on the Expert Edge Podcast for over 2 years. The wait did not disappoint!

We dove deep into personal branding, building wealth and living with purpose, here’s just a preview of a few gems that were dropped about personal branding.

1. Your Personal Branding Precedes Your Introduction

Nowadays, more often than not, your audience is going to look you up and follow to see if you have the goods before any type of introduction is made. You can’t rely on an introduction first to prove your credibility. Your personal brand will precede you.

How you present yourself on social media, your website, and more importantly, what people are saying about you in their private conversations will precede and frame any direct introductions you get.

A lot of your credibility is even before anyone meets you directly.

2. Do the un-scaleable until you no longer can

Everyone is very quick to integrate automation hacks that remove a lot of the human element. Early on, while it still makes sense to do so, connect with your audience as much as you can from responding to emails to responding to DMs.

Chris Harder (our guest today) who has 263,000+ Instagram followers still sends personal messages to his followers. Follow him here

3. Audience, Audience, Audience

If you want real momentum, your audience building is paramount. A large engaged audience will take you in any direction you want to go. This needs to be a major focus.

Chris talked about launching multiple different companies in the last 10+ years and each time he attributed most of the success to his loyal following. It is imperative that as a coach, speaker, or course creator you put in the time, effort and focus to build your personal brand.

It’s the lifeline and fast-track to big impact and big money.

If you want the full breakdown of each of ideas above among a ton of other personal branding, wealth creation and life lesson then tune in!

>>> LISTEN ALL PODCAST PLATFORMS: Episode 194 | The Secrets Behind Personal Brand Success w/ Chris Harder

>>> iTunes ONLY: Episode 194 | The Secrets Behind Personal Brand Success w/ Chris Harder


Colin ‘You are a Brand’ Boyd

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I’m Colin! I’m an Aussie, but I’m based in Newport Beach, California.
I help entrepreneurs sell from virtual and live stages (without being pushy and sales-y)
I coach thousands of experts, course creators and coaches around the world on this topic, and I’ve also advised the biggest names including people Amy Porterfield, Alison Prince, Carrie Green, Julie Solomon  and many other industry leaders.