I know for me that when life seems a little uncertain or hard the first thing I do is go into “doing” mode.
I skip past the pain and let the pressure I feel force me to be productive.
In those seasons it actually feels pretty good to put your head down and just get the job done, doesn’t it?
But it doesn’t keep you healthy in the long run.
I learned that several years ago when my wife Sarah went through cancer and I just wasn’t coping.
If you want longevity, it’s important to stop and recognize your pain because your struggles are what make you stronger.
Your biggest traumas can be a huge catalyst for change in your life and can teach you how to show up and find your truth.
Which is why in this week’s episode of the Expert Edge Podcast I’m digging in deep with my friend Amber Lilyestrom, to breakdown how to use your past difficulties to Discover Your Purpose.
In this episode you’ll discover:
- How to build a business that serves you – instead of spending all your time hustling in busy mode!
- The SECRET to finding your purpose – and how it can help you grow your business
- An overlooked mistake that most entrepreneurs make – and what to do about it today
- How to transform pain into power to use it as fuel for your future
- And why success isn’t always what it looks like
If you’ve ever felt pressure to perform in your industry, then don’t miss this episode!
Covid-19 has taught us that the life we’re building at rapid speed can just as quickly be stopped.
If you want to come out stronger, now is a crucial time to slow down and take stock to make sure you’re building what matters.
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN “Discovering Your Deeper Purpose”
Too many experts in the past have built successful businesses only to burn out down the road, because they were too busy doing all the “right things” to recognize that it wasn’t right for them.
I’m here to help you to find what you’re passionate about, and build it to last!
Talk soon!
Colin “Building What Matters” Boyd
P.S. A lot of entrepreneurs get into a rut because they’re afraid to let go of industry pressures and break free of industry norms… don’t miss this episode to find inspiration and action for really building a legacy of what is important to you!
P.P.S. I’m running an advanced workshop next week all about “Selling on Webinar.” If you want to start using webinars to build your business (which is super smart right now), make sure to sign up here before it fills.