When I was 13…
I was asked to read a passage out loud from the Bible during religious class.
Simple enough, right?
I mean, I knew how to read so what could go wrong?
The answer is, EVERYTHING!
(at least at the time it seemed that way)
Long story short, I ended up having a visceral response & I couldn’t even finish the passage.
And that’s not the worst part…
The worst part is the meaning I created from this seemingly harmless but embarrassing moment.
I told myself I was an idiot and I let that thought rule me for the next 10+ years.
That is until I discovered 3 mindset shifts that allowed me to get over my fear of public speaking.
(To now literally teaching the biggest names in the industry how to speak and sell – wild!)
I go over these 3 shifts in depth during this week’s episode of the Expert Edge.
Here’s a little glimpse…
1. No one knows what you’re supposed to say
When we talk in front of people, we always let our mind run wild about the possibility of messing up. When in reality the audience has NO IDEA what you’re supposed to say. Let go of trying to be perfect and if you say something wrong, just roll with it because the audience has no idea.
2. Ask better quality questions
What you focus on will determine how you feel. If you are asking yourself questions like.. “What if i mess up” “what if I sound stupid” etc.. then you’re going to be in a state of fear. Instead, ask yourself questions like “What’s great about this” “How will this help people” “How is this in alignment with my vision”. You’ll be in a completely different state when you do this.
3. Focus on service even when you’re selling
Most people struggle with selling because it feels slimy to them. But you have to remember that you can’t serve your audience to the fullest without selling because a big part of the transformation is in the transaction. When they give money they are making a commitment to themself. It’s a sacred experience. Look at it as a sacred space for transformation.
Another way to gain confidence is to have a proven formula you can lean on when presenting…
You can use mine, which I’ll be revealing on a Live workshop Today called “The 5 Secrets To Selling On Webinar & Live Stages”.
Click here for more details.
Catch this week’s episode of the Expert Edge for more High Converting Presentation gems…
Colin ‘No Fear’ Boyd
P.S. If you haven’t yet checked out my Conversion Story Formula™ it’s been getting crazy results for people. We have had over 7,205 people join it in the last few months! So many of them are already designing their signature story in under 48 hours and are sharing it with their audience! Don’t miss out any longer!
Create your Conversion Story
P.P.S. I just dropped a new video on my YouTube Channel called: The One Psychological Shift You MUST Make In Order To Feel Comfortable Selling Watch it here (and remember to subscribe)