The Dynamic Leadership Quadrant

Today’s short training is about your leadership becoming even-more dynamic.

It’s about how you can improve your leadership, and as a result take your team and business to the next level.

I know for me, I’ve worked with many types of leaders.

Some of them were great, some of them…ummm, not so much.

How you lead your team and business will ultimately affect your influence, impact and income.

I want to share with you a profound framework for you to be able to understand where you sit in your style of leadership. And then what you need to do to become more dynamic.

I want to share with you The Dynamic Leadership Quadrant™.

The quadrant you’re about to discover is really helpful because it’s going to enable you to realise what type of leader you’re functioning as right now, and how to become more dynamic – how to move from dull leadership to more dynamic leadership, how to move from destructive leadership to dynamic leadership.

This framework comes out of my Dynamic Leadership Training Program. It’s the contextual framework for the program so I think it’s really helpful because it will help you work out your style of leadership. Let me share that with you.

The Dynamic Leadership Quadrant

    1. Delightful Leader
      So if we look in the first style, it’s someone who is engaging people. They understand what drives people, but they’re not really pushing people.  I would call them a delightful leader. They know how to engage people but they’re really just delightful.
    2. Destructive Leader
      The second quadrant is someone who is very low on drive but also low on engage. In other words, they’re not driving performance and they’re also not engaging you in a way that is working with you and pulling you into their leadership. I think that’s destructive leadership.
    3. Demanding Leader
      The third quadrant is someone who is highly driven as a leader but not really engaging. In other words, they’re pushing you really hard, but they don’t have any pull in their leadership. So I think that is demanding leadership.
    4. Dynamic Leader
      And the fourth quadrant, which is where I guess you want to be, is dynamic leadership. That’s where you’ve got a really nice amount of drive. So in other words, you’re mentoring, coaching or pushing people’s performance, but you’re also pulling them in from the sense that you understand what drives human beings. You’re meeting their human needs. So there’s a real sense of engagement.

So these are the four styles of leadership – You’re either a delightful leader, destructive leader, demanding leader or dynamic leader.

The first question I have is, where would you say you default to? All of us would want to be dynamic leaders. But where do you default to? Do you default to the delightful leader, or the demanding leader?

What’s your default under pressure?

First of all, I’d love you to write what that is at the bottom. Leave a comment. I’d love you to write what that is.

Now if we look at these four spectrums:

  1. The result that you get because if you’re a delightful leader, what you’re going to get is a friend. You’re going to get friends, but they’re not necessarily going to produce results.
  2. If you’re a demanding leader, what you’re going to get is followers. In other words, you’re not necessarily going to get people who are autonomous because you’re potentially too controlling in your leadership.
  3. Now if you’re a destructive leader, what you’re going to get are problems. You’re just going to get headaches.
  4. If you’re a dynamic leader, what you’re going to get is performers. You’re going to get people who perform at their highest level because they’ve got a level of autonomy, but you’re also mentoring and pushing and driving them.

So they’re the four styles of leadership. Like, I said, that’s the framework for my Dynamic Leadership Training program. And I just wonder, which part of the spectrum do you feel like you default to? We’d all love to be dynamic, but which part of the spectrum do you tend to default to?

I know for me, personally, it would be delightful. I tend to go towards the delightful side. So for me, I’ve got to push the drive side which is the performance side. And just being consciously aware of that makes a huge difference in terms of my leadership.

What default is yours? I’ve shared mine.

Please share it below.

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Look forward to engaging with you below…

Speak to you soon.



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On this workshop you’re going to discover:

  • Proven strategies that the top 1% of influencers use to become leaders in their marketplace.
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I’m Colin! I’m an Aussie, but I’m based in Newport Beach, California.
I help entrepreneurs sell from virtual and live stages (without being pushy and sales-y)
I coach thousands of experts, course creators and coaches around the world on this topic, and I’ve also advised the biggest names including people Amy Porterfield, Alison Prince, Carrie Green, Julie Solomon  and many other industry leaders.