Six Levels of Productivity

I was recently featured in the Australian Training & Development magazine speaking about productivity. In the article, I outlined the Six Levels of Productivity and how you can move from one level to the next. It’s a short read, but I trust it’s helpful. To download the two-page article, CLICK HERE. Source: This article originally […]
Intelligent Activity

I want to share with you one little shift that you can take that will enable you to go from unintelligent to intelligent action. I think managers need to learn how to take intelligent action. I’m not saying that you’re not intelligent. I understand that if you’re reading this or listening to this, you’re an […]
Procrastinator’s Magic Pill

I think procrastination robs us of so much productivity in the workplace. The other day, I was running my Prolific Productivity program, and one of the participants asked me, “Colin, how do I stop procrastinating?” You’ve probably heard a whole lot of stuff about procrastination. It impacts our productivity, results, relationships and even our promotions. […]
How to Make a Holiday Work at Work

Just recently, I had one of my clients say to me, “Colin, I’ve been told I need to take holidays, but I just don’t have the time! I don’t want to come back to 250 emails. I don’t know how to set it up so that when I leave, everything is still going to run […]
Simple Street Values

Many organisations pay lip service to values. The company values or ethos end up being a stale, irrelevant document that sits on their intranet. But I think if we get values right, they can change everything. I’ve shot a 3-minute video on what you must do to get values to work for you. I believe […]
5 Big Productivity Hacks

I want to share with you five tips that can dramatically increase your productivity. These tips can literally double your productivity, if done consistently. We live our lives in a rush, always feeling out of control, missing things by minutes. I think we need to understand how to increase our productivity so we can do […]
The Structure of Focus

I want to have an important conversation with you about ‘focus.’ It was just the other day when I had a coaching client say to me, “Colin, I have so much going on at work. I’ve got distractions, I’ve got emails, I’ve got people asking me for my time… How do I get focused […]
How to Develop Your Skill Set Faster

Today, we’re going to be talking about how you can add value to your skill set and earn more money doing what you love. I get the opportunity to talk with managers all over the world, and what I’ve noticed is that a lot of them are busy, right? They’re busy working on projects that […]
Interior Design for the Brain

What you tell yourself impacts how you feel. I think that if we can master our minds, we can win in our worlds. The ability to manage your own thinking is one of the most powerful skills that one can master. When you think about it, if your brain were a room in your house, […]
Release 1.0

One of the biggest problems that professionals face with their productivity is that they have too high standards… I know, weird, right? What I mean by that is that the standards they set for their projects or products are so high that they can barely ever be met. They end up missing deadlines and […]