The #1 Tip for Creating a Clear Strategy
Have you ever walked out of a strategy meeting and felt more confused than when you entered? So often I chat with businesses — whether it be large, global corporates or even small businesses — and their leaders say to me, “Colin, I have so many goals, I’m quite unclear in terms of how to […]
How To Double Your Delegation Skills
A recent executive coaching client said to me “Colin, I know that I need to delegate more, but there is something preventing me from doing it…” Delegation is one of those skills where most people say they need to ‘do it more’ but have a whole bunch of beliefs and misguided methods that prevent them […]
Five Hot Tips for Presentation
A presentation is a high stakes situation. Have you ever stood before an audience and felt incredibly vulnerable? You may have felt like your reputation was on show. A presentation is a place where you can pretty much make or break your reputation. So I want to share with you 5 hot tips that I […]
How to Recharge Your Fuel Tanks
Today I want to have a conversation with you about how you can re-energise. I’ll show you the secret to getting back your mojo. Energy is so important to your productivity and to the profit of your business. So let’s talk about how you can refuel your energy — how you can get that energy, […]
The Dynamic Leadership Quadrant
Today’s short training is about your leadership becoming even-more dynamic. It’s about how you can improve your leadership, and as a result take your team and business to the next level. I know for me, I’ve worked with many types of leaders. Some of them were great, some of them…ummm, not so much. How you […]
How to Work with Your Brain
I was having a conversation with a director of an organisation the other day. Shimge said to me, “Colin, I feel like I’m getting dumber in my old age.” And as we started to explore it, we discovered that she was actually breaking a few of the brain rules that help you function best in […]
The 3 Deadly Presentation Mistakes
Today I want to have a conversation with you about the 3 deadly presentation mistakes. If you are making any of these mistakes… you’re going to find yourself disconnecting from your audience, you’re going to bore your audience, and you’re going to leave them with a bad taste in their mouth. I see a lot […]
How to Divide Your Week
I had a question the other day in a Productivity program I was running. Someone asked me… “Hey Colin, how do you divide your week up effectively?” I’ve seen weekly planners with really detailed plans and it almost gets overwhelming. And then I’ve seen general ones where it’s just one goal for the week and […]
The Art of Saying ‘No’
In today’s conversation, I want to talk to you about how you say ‘no.’ It’s been said on Forbes (I’ve been reading it recently) that leadership is actually the art of saying ‘no,’ not ‘yes.’ It’s very easy to say ‘yes’ to stuff. But if you can say ‘no’ to the right things and actually […]
Why I do what I do
As I woke up in the sickbay I realised I’d just slept through lunch. I wasn’t sick, I just didn’t want to go back to my desk. After finishing university, I found myself in a job that I thought would be great but ended up not being a fit for my skills and personality. It […]