3 Branding Mistakes Coaches Make

When most coaches think of their personal brand they mistake it for their branding. They think their brand is their colors, fonts, website, etc… But those elements are your branding. They aren’t your actual brand. It’s really important to understand the difference here because building a strong personal brand in today’s market is essential for […]

Would You Choose the Ferrari or Rolls?

My friend Jason was presenting in front of our mastermind group and he said this one line that made my ears prick up… He casually says…”I want to live in one of those ‘what do they do?’ houses. You know the ones, where you drive by and just think what on earth do they do???” […]

3 Marketing Trends You Need To Be Aware Of

If you’ve followed me for any period of time, Then you know that I constantly preach about… The importance of getting on stage (virtual or live) to not only sell your stuff… But to establish your credibility & expand your brand. We all know what a live stage is but when I refer to virtual […]

How to Run Successful Launches

If you’ve ever run your own launch, then you know… There is A LOT that goes into it. You’ve got the presentation, the course, the email sequences, the tech, and the list goes on and on. Simply put, live launching is a challenge! But a challenge you should accept because nothing supercharges your business like […]

Are you making this messaging mistake?

One of the hardest things to overcome in your marketing… Is unclear or overcomplicated messaging. Unfortunately, I see a lot of coaches making this mistake. They tend to have either a lack of congruency in their messaging… Or… Their messaging is borderline a math equation in its complexity. When in reality it’s very simple. So […]

How A Mom From Buffalo Makes 20k/month

Meet Lindsay. She is a mom from Buffalo… (her words). Who’s been able to build a $20,000+ online course business while only working a couple of hours per week! When she came to me, she had a desire to grow her business, but there were a lot of restrictions and challenges… She’s a mom with […]

Here’s Why Your Course Isn’t Selling

Many coaches think that once they build their online course, they’ll start making money. The truth is, you can put so much time and effort into a course…. Then offer it to the world…. ….and get crickets! It’s like your audience gives you the cold shoulder! I know, I’ve been there! (I remember having over […]

How To Overcome The Fear Of Speaking

Just the thought of public speaking makes most people… Weak in the knees! In fact, most people are more scared of public speaking than… Death! I can certainly relate… One of the very first times I took the stage, I was shaking so much that… I had to hold the microphone with both hands to […]

How To Stop Selling Time for Money As a Coach

Stop me if you’ve heard this before… “Stop selling your time for money” I trust you said “stop” 😉 Because if you’ve been in the coaching space for any amount of time… You’ve certainly heard this or maybe you’re the one preaching it. Whatever the case may be, I wholeheartedly agree.. .. with a caveat. […]

All experts say this is crucial

Ask any successful coach or entrepreneur about… The importance of Personal Branding.. And you’ll have a unanimous decision that it’s absolutely crucial. But what won’t be unanimous… Is how to go about building your personal brand. For my money… You can’t go wrong with a strong combination of… Connection, Value & Consistency. These have always […]